Pffff… I can handle this

I have spent all week in a tizzy. My heels and ankles just continued to swell, and the pain was thru the roof.

Molly wanted to be in pic

I had my MRI Tuesday morning, but didn’t hear back from the doctor until late Thursday afternoon. The results showed several fractures and bone contusions in both of my heels and ankles. Doctor Lowe was really at a loss for words, and didn’t have a clear explanation as to why it happened… given my age, and good health. So, he had a foot specialist look at my results. 

They asked me to come into the clinic to have blood work done… fearing possible early onset of osteoporosis. 

I ventured into the clinic this morning in my hot pink tennis shoes (which have become a staple accessory for every outfit). Luckily, my blood work came out NEGATIVE! No osteoporosis, and I am a perfectly healthy 29-year old. Thank God. 

Dr. Lowe said basically… my heel bones softened significantly during my three months in the wheelchair. When I stood up and started walking again, my heels couldn’t take the stress of my weight and started to crack. Ouch! Mind you, I am 5’9 and hover around 130 lbs. Unbelievable!

But, I am thanking God today, because I can handle fractures and contusions. Pffff…I have a 6 inch screw through my pelvis… this next challenge is child’s play! 


I will start a new round of physical therapy, and I have high tech gel inserts in my tennis shoes. I will continue to ice, and take it easy.


In other news, I finally made it to my first Birmingham Barons baseball game of the year last night with Jeff, Natalie, and some of her friends. They won, and it was a great time to get out and about. Even if it was in my hot pink tennies. 

Lastly, I am continuing to become domestic and cooked some stellar meals this week… I’m contemplating dedicating another section of my clog to recipes and such…

Happy Friday, all… and have a spectacular weekend!


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