A Letter to My Kindergartner


As much as I wanted to address this letter as “Lukey” or “My Dearest Luke”, I chose not to because you are 5-years old now, and are no longer my little tiny baby. Tomorrow you will start a new chapter and embark in one of the most exciting adventures of your life.


Your clothes are laid out, you said your prayers and I soon will tuck you in the night before your first day of kindergarten at the same school your mommy went to when she was 5 years old.

Luke, school is so much fun! You will learn new things. You will experience new adventures. You will see new sights. You will meet new people. You will make friends. Some of the friends you make tomorrow could be the same friends you walk the stage in cap and gown 13 years from now. Some of the children you will meet will be funny. Some of them kind. Some of them unbelievably smart. Some of them shy. Some will look nothing like you. Some may look similar to you. Some of the children could be cold. Some of them could be mean. Luke, it’s important you know not everyone you meet tomorrow will be perfect. But that doesn’t define you.

My hope for you on the night before your first day of school is that you be true to yourself. You are sensitive. You are selfless. You are kind. You are funny. You are witty. You are smart. You are athletic. You have an immense love for your family. I can only hope when I write to you 13 years from today, I can still recite these exact same qualities no matter the storm that awaits you.

Luke, there will be other children who you instantly connect with. They will be your closest friends. There will also be children who may be standoffish, shy, or say cruel things. Luke, please love them. Treat them the same way you treat your new friends. Treat them how you treat your sister and brother. Treat them how you want to be treated. You don’t know what kind of home they live in. You don’t know what kind of things they’ve seen or experienced in their young lives. Be nice to them. Smile. Lend a helping hand. If they do not accept you as you are, give them space…but always be there for them when they are ready for your friendship.

Luke, there will be challenges you can’t even comprehend. I know these things are hard to explain to a 5-year old, but you will hear conversations and you will see things that are brand new to you. Some things will be wonderful, some things will not. Always trust your mommy and daddy. Always tell the truth. Always be unafraid to tell us the good, the bad and the confusing. We love you, no matter what.

We are so proud of you. I promise, I will not cry (too much) on your first day of school. I am way too excited for real tears! Only tears of joy for you.

Luke, I loved school so much. I experienced many wonderful things in school. I also experienced many hardships in school. I never let the hardships define me. I always reminded myself what didn’t kill me, makes me stronger. I used the bad to my advantage. When times got tough, I told myself tomorrow is another day. I hope you will do the same.

We love you so much. I can’t even begin to type the words to fully encompass our love for you. You will do great. You will excel. You will move mountains. You will go places you never dreamed of. You will be true to yourself. You will always be our son.

We love you!

Class of 2031 xx

Kindergarten here we come!


Class of 2031!




  1. What a sweet letter, and pictures! He looks like he should be going into grade 1 at least! Hang in there, my first is off to kindergarten this year too and I’m sure I’ll be crying 😂

    1. Good Luck!! All of us kindergarten mamas need it 🙂

      1. Thanks! You too 😉


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